Monday, April 11, 2011


Two weeks ago, I posted my review of the film Sucker Punch and instead of just saying why I thought the film was good or not, I attempted to look deeper into the meaning of a film many are just passing off as an exploitive fantasy. This review post has received over 1, 600 page views to date; which is five times as many as my next highest review post! I think this demonstrates several things: One: that there are many people who have not seen the film, but have read the many negative reviews and are looking for someone who has something positive to say about it. Two: that the people who have seen it and were angry or at least perplexed by it are looking for someone who has at least attempted to find some deeper meaning to the film, or at least make some sense of it. Three: that there are well over 1000 people who are interested in Sucker Punch, but not in what I have to say about it.

I came to the conclusion on this last point, because I have only received one comment on my review of Sucker Punch! One of the things I like about blogging, and reviewing films in particular, is the feedback I get in the posted comments area of my blog. I really enjoy reading what people think of my review; whether it is to agree with my points, or to disagree with my points. This exchange of ideas and opinions really excites me and makes me want to make my next posted review even better!

I’ve only been blogging now for about sixteen months, but I already follow about two-dozen blogs. Whenever I think I can add something of value to the posting of someone else’s blog, I post a comment there. One of the most rewarding parts of this is getting a response from the blogger on my comments. I find it very interesting when someone responds to my comments, because it helps me to better understand what the blogger was trying to say in their post on their blog. Because of this, I always answer the comments posted on my blog’s posts, because I’m assuming that the person commenting feels the same way I do.

So please take this as an open invitation to post comments on my reviews and let me know what you think!

If you are interested in finding out if there was any real depth or meaning to Sucker Punch,  keep and eye on this blog, as I will soon be posting some interesting comments on the film by the director Zack Snyder himself!


  1. I do a little YouTube show on Wednesday's and I opened with a quick summary of my thoughts on Sucker Punch.
    the section starts at 0:12 and ends at 0:48...but the rest of the vids pretty good...and don't forget to click and the Annotations at the start if you want to see some of the other eps...

  2. I haven't actually read your review of "Sucker Punch". I hated the film and tried to cast it out of my mind as soon as it was over. The blonde was pretty in it but I couldn't get into it. I liked "300" despite the historical inaccuracies and I wish that "Watchmen" was even longer but as far as "Sucker Punch" goes, well, I won't be buying the DVD of it.

  3. Interesting thoughts from Dr. Blood. I agree on the 300 comment. I have Watchmen sitting on my shelf. His desire to see the film longer flies in the face of many of the complaints to the contrary. I'm interested in checking out Watchmen and typically love, long epic films, so his comments were encouraging.

  4. I haven't read the review yet because I haven't seen the film yet. I tend to stay away from what may appear to be an in depth analysis of a film prior to seeing it, because I don't want any preconceptions distorting my own opinion of the film. I look forward to checking it out once I've actually watched Sucker Punch.

  5. Welcome to the Guardians of the Genre, apscimio! Since you don’t have an accessible profile on Blogger and I can’t see what blogs you might be following, I’ll ask because I’m curious. How did you find my blog on the Internets? I watched your YouTube video In My Ignoble Opinion Coming Distractions episode V and thought it was very fast paced and clever. Your use of images to match your words made for an entertaining if somewhat brief commentary. I’m glad you’re one of the few that liked Sucker Punch, but your summation of Sucker Punch as 300 meets the Matrix meets One Flew Over the Coo’s Nest doesn’t really help someone who hasn’t seen it understand what it was about. BTW: Comparing it to that last film is almost SPOILER –worthy!

  6. Thanks for getting back to me about Sucker Punch, Dr. Blood! I noticed you didn’t post a review of it, but I just assumed it was because it wasn’t a horror film. I can understand not liking Sucker Punch, because frankly it was a very oddly constructed film. The few people that liked it seem to be those that just got off on the amazing visuals of the fantasy sequences and chose to ignore its darker elements. As a horror fan, I thought you might have liked the Asylum sequences, because they could very well be considered psychological horror.

    BTW: Any “historical inaccuracies” that are in 300 should be attributed to Frank Miller, as the film is a fairly close interpretation of his graphic novel. I always felt that Frank was using the age of Sparta as a basis to create a fantasy story and did not intend it as a historical drama; but that’s just my opinion. I’m not sure if it’s because I reread the Watchmen series just before seeing the movie, but I don’t think making the Watchmen film longer would have improved it. I was never a fan of the Pirate Comic within the comic to begin with, so I didn’t miss that. One of these days I may watch the director’s cut – but only if I can rent it.

  7. Hi, Sci-Fi Fanatic! The only way I could see sitting through the longer director’s cut of Watchmen is if you have not read the comic series. That would make it fresher and not quite as difficult to get through. The more I think about Watchmen, the more I realize that what makes it difficult to watch with 21st Century eyes is that the story is very much a product of the politics of the late 70’s and early 80’s. If you can put your mind back to that time, I think it would add to your enjoyment of the film.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my query about a lack of comments on my post for Sucker Punch, Anthony1138! I agree with you about being apprehensive about reading “in depth analysis” of films before seeing them. When I read any reviews of films before seeing them, I always skip the plot synopsis completely and basically skim the review only to get a feel for what the reviewer thought of the film and why he or she did or didn’t like it. I did dig a little deeper in my analysis of Sucker Punch than in some of my reviews of other films, but only because it is a difficult film to sum up easily. I wanted to warn fans of Snyder’s previous films that they might be disappointed in Sucker Punch if they were expecting it to be like 300 or even Watchmen.

    Drop by to comment on any of my reviews at any time, Antony1138! BTW: Did you ever watch that blu-ray copy of The Ultimate Cut Watchmen? If so, I’d love to read your review of it on Eat the Dead and how it differs from the theatrical or director’s cuts

  9. I'll be dropping by more regular Friz!
